Our Products: Sidebar Links > Bear Art Lights

Bear Art Lights

Displaying 1 - 24 of 56 Results
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15h x 10w
Price: $270.00
12h x 22w
Price: $388.00
10h x 7w
Price: $222.00
11h x 16w
Price: $360.00
11h x 25w
Price: $404.00
11h x 36w
Price: $472.00
10h x 17w
Price: $650.00
11h x 7w
Price: $226.00
13h x 7w
Price: $226.00
13h x 16w
Price: $306.00
13h x 26w
Price: $364.00
13h x 36w
Price: $434.00
42h x 26w
Price: $524.00
10h x 6w
Price: $306.00
10h x 7w
Price: $242.00
12h x 9w
Price: $282.00
11h x 6w
Price: $286.00
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Rustic wildlife bear lights are one our most popular themes we offer. Our first successful bear light we made is our Bear in the Wood light. Not wanting to stop there, our talented artist team came up with two styles of walking bears: our Mountain Bear (Image Code 25) just one called Bear (Image Code 26), and started creating new lights around those bears and brought them into existing lights as well.

Today, we have over 130 lights that incorporate one of our bear images, usually along with a metal pine tree, spruce tree or cedar tree. The are wall sconces, bathroom vanity lights, mirrors, rustic bear chandeliers, pendants, outdoor lights, ceiling lights, bear table lamps and bear floor lamps.
